Sign up for the WBG Getaway Winter Edition
Winter is here once again. While in December we get to enjoy all the festivities around Sinterklaas and Christmas, such as creating your board game wish list and eating way too much chocolate pepernoten. After the big celebration of entering a new year, it turns out that the new year is actually quite cold, dark and kind of boring. But fear no more! This year the Wageningen Board Gamers are there to help you get through that long cold winter!
After a successful first edition of the Wageningen Board Gamers Getaway last summer, we are now hosting our very first winter edition! From the 14th to 16th of February you get to enjoy a weekend full of awesome board games and marvelous people.
We will be heading off to Lunteren, where we will be staying at accommodation “Het Uiltje”. This lovely farm home can house up to 36 people. It has a huge living room with plenty of space for playing board games. On top of that it even has a party basement, where the disco lights and music equipment are sure to give your game that extra touch!
Next to the amazing accommodation and enormous amount of games you will be able to choose from, we will also arrange some live-action games you can participate in throughout the weekend. What these will be is going to remain a secret for now…
You are probably wondering by now, how much does this cost and most importantly where do I sign up?! The weekend will cost €80, for this you will get to “sleep” two nights at “Het Uiltje”, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and a lovely home-cooked meal on Saturday evening. You can sign up by completing the steps in this form. Registrations are on a first come, first serve basis, so be sure to sign up soon!