Recap: Campus Boardgame Night
What happens when you put the Wageningen Board Gamers in a lecture room with the gamers from WSG Paragon? Well, you get a lot of chaotic fun, great stories and quality snacks.
On an overly hot day in early June a group of around 42 boardgame enthusiasts came together on the 5th floor of the Forum building. Not only the Paragon and WBG regulars showed up in roughly equal numbers, but also a lot of new faces found their way to the gaming table. Games truly are for everybody and it’s nice to see more and more people discovering the wondrous world of tabletop gaming. 🎲

The games
What got played? As you can see on the pictures we’ve got most of the greatest hits of modern boardgaming covered: Codenames (both regular and pictures), The Crew (Space and Deep Sea), Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam, Secret Hitler, Take 5, Coup, Magic Maze and Exploding Kittens. Especially Secret Hitler sparked heated discussions about who among us was a Fascist, and one game even ended with Hitler as chancellor. But also more esoteric and weird games got played like the Sub Terra, Sheriff of Nottingham, Here to Slay, Geometric Art and Ca$h and Gun$. That last one provided not only a hilarious stand-off but helped me get “waving around with a gun in a school building” off of my bucket list without having to travel to the USA 😉.

A personal highlight was a game of Jenga on a slightly wobbly table that was slightly in the way for everyone else. I’m surprised how far we managed to extend our tower. A close second fave is the absolute swag of Kay wearing his girlfriend’s butterfly sunglasses and the way they complemented his pink shorts. I deeply regret not taking a picture, but the memory stays forever.

Drinks and food
As both paragon and the Wageningen Board Gamers got drinks and snacks there was an abundance of food and drinks. We shouldn’t feel too bad about consuming a whopping 1 kg of M&M’s during this event, as we also collectively consumed roughly the same amount in snack-carrots 🥕 with houmous. Two other major hits that are worth mentioning are the “pretzel-sticks in a wine-glass” and Dubbelfriss’ “Pornstar Martini”. 🍸

What’s next?
Get in touch with E-J, Bas or Anouk if you want to become part of “Team Campus-games”. We totally can use your help to turn this try-out event into a recurring campus game-night! 👉👈